Sunday, September 12, 2010

Forgiveness and Reconciling

freshly ironed clothes
I've been dealing with one of my children over something they did a few weeks back.  We all mess up.  Sometimes it's over something unintentional, other times we know we are making a poor choice, and do it any way.  For whatever the reason, we did something wrong.

Now that wrong can then become something big, say a sin, if we don't admit to it.  Sometimes it just may be acknowledging to God.  Other times, we told some different from what happened.  We lied.  In Psalm 51 we ask, "Have mercy upon me, O God.  According to Your lovingkindness."  We then have to ask the person that we lied to for the same.

So many times, our fear of reaction is far worse then the actual response to our actions.  Amazing we can go weeks living a lie, covering it up, when in reality if we had just spoken the truth, we could have put it behind us, and not had to live with our guilt.

Isn't that a lot like not doing something that needs to be done?  It eats at you, until you finally do it.  In this case I'm speaking of laundry or ironing.  Not doing it, doesn't make it go away.  Pretending it's not there doesn't make me feel better.  If I just deal with it, get it done, I have a great sense of accomplishment, it's very freeing, nothing holding over my head of undone tasks.  "Create in me a clean heart, O God.  And renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10.  Reconciling with undone tasks can be very freeing.  Just like confessing.

Ironing is done, and my daughter has come "clean with her transgression", what a great way to start the week.

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