Sunday, March 27, 2011

Something New

Oh my goodness!  

I started a new business.  It's exciting, going up this HUGE unknown trail.  My husband and I have had a number of businesses in our almost 22 years.  This one, is all mine.  Well, really, it belongs to God as all that I have is from Him.  The name of my business is Strength & Dignity.  You guessed it, it's from Prvbs. 31:25 "She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

I've already lost a business partner, don't ask.  I'm aggressively building and expanding.  I just haven't figured out how I respond when someone asks me what do I do?  My response has been, I'm a Mom of five, wife, and been in the ministry for 17 years.  I'm still that, kind of.  My ministry is now not in the way it was in the past; as a Bible Study Leader, teacher, and writer.  My prayer is that I can still be utilized by God for His glory, just taking a different path.

I'll share in future posts how things are going.  I still know that I'm committed to helping share healthy products and opportunities that go along with them.  This is in addition to that.  Back in high school I was torn between pursuing a career in the legal field and fashion.  Yea, I know, not even closely related.  That's kind of the story of my life, extremes.  Now, I'm being challenged in so many creative ways.  Marketing strategy, business plans, financials, and being a working Mom, oh my.

I'm staying rooted in God's Word, laughing at the days to come!

Friday, February 11, 2011

True Friend

I was new in town, didn't know many girls my age.  My mom made me get a job, so that I would have money for school clothes.  I didn't know it at the time, but how wise of my mom to make me apply for a job.  I gained experience of interviewing, and learned that you don't always get to do what you want, because of your commitment to your job.  I also learned a work ethic.  These are things that I see many young people today lack.  Parents so badly want to give to their children, that in turn they are robbing them of important skills and traits that are essential in the work place today, regardless of what field you find yourself in.

So thirty plus years ago, through that teenage job, I met a friend that epitomizes the word.  She was the one that I speed through town with, late to my own high school graduation.  We discussed and poured over relationships with the boys that broke our hearts.  It was because of a visit over Christmas break with her, that I began my relationship with my husband.  That was the beginning of my 20 plus years of marriage that is still going strong.

There was much discussion over what to wear for our numerous class reunions.  We gave each other Baby Showers.  We would call each other for advice on etiquette correctness.  If I'm having a party at such and such time, do I have to serve a meal, or is finger food okay?  She was the only friend that would know the right answer.  When I "spotted during my pregnancy of my last child, I didn't even have to ask, she came and sat with me.  We leaned on each other during divorces that neither one of us thought would be part of our lives.  She watched my children when my husband and I went to the Mayo clinic during a scary time of my health.

As we age, but showing no signs of gray, we are learning to navigate the landscape of parents being ill, and losing a parent.  Who would ever have thought, that the girl I trained on the drink station at a fast food place, would become someone that is such an integral part of my life.  I'm so glad my mom made me get a summer job.  I can't imagine my life without such a great friend.

Birthday Blessings Sarah Elizabeth!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

An answer to prayer!

So this is what the answer looks like!

For over five years, myself, husband, children, and in-laws have been praying for the ability to open another clinic.  On January 10th we saw our first patients, WOOHOO!!!

For a season, we thought Texas was where God was leading us.  A Texas license, a lease, a lost building, a cousin's shocking death, and what literally looked like a dead-end.  That all took somewhere near three years.  We kept praying. As a Colorado girl, I had some sort of love affair with Texas.  Not that I was going to leave my home state.  I just was going to have a reason to visit Texas (and write off the expenses), on a regular basis.

In July, my husband got a phone call from a hometown friend, and fast forward to the Grand Opening on February 5th, here in Colorado, in the northern part of the State.  We are so very blessed.  Not because of the answer to prayer, but because of our individual personal relationship with our God, through the saving work that Jesus did on the cross for each of us, and for you.

My husband and I did not loose faith.  Sure we kept asking God, if we were going in the direction of His will.  Being outside of His will scares us beyond death.  We so don't want it.  So, as we are celebrating this opening, we have had another opportunity for something that we could so bless people through.  What are we going to do?  Pray and WAIT on the Lord.  If it's good today, He'll (God) will be sure we don't miss His plan.  We will stay on our knees and in His Word, seeking Him.

In the meantime, we'll be offering prayers of Thanksgiving. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be peaceful and allow God . . .

Oh my goodness!!!  It's been a long time.  

In order for me to make my life work, I most time need to be elbow deep into a book.  The crazier life gets, the more I read.  Sometimes it's in God's Word, but many times it's in some leadership, biography, or biblical principal book.  It's like if I keep reading throughout whatever is going on, then I must be doing okay.  I'm very OCD (obsessive propulsive disorder),  about reading. 

As I was communicating with a friend of mine who is a
Sister of Charity, she gave me this quote:
  One of our Sister of Charity saints, Louise de Marillac
said, "Do not be upset if things are not as you would want them to be
for a long time to come.  Do what you can peacefully so as to allow  room for God's guidance in your lives.  Do not worry about the rest."

So, how is that to ponder? There is so much going on in my life, not unlike so many others.  Be peaceful and allow God . . . 

No matter how crazy it gets, you know life, I'm going to make a better effort to post.

May God bless you today with peace.